Daniel Emojics

Last Update 4 years ago

Within the Users section, you will find all the information on the users who have visited your website. In particular:

  • Name: The name of the user if s/he entered it in a Lead Email campaign
  • Country: the country of origin of the event (for example: if the user is Italian but at the time of the click he was in England, the country reported will be England)
  • Email: the user's email, if the user has entered it in a ‘Thank you’ message
  • Last Seen: the last time that the user visited
  • City: city of origin of the event
  • Browser: the type of browser used by the user at the time of the event

You can download all the data of your users in a CSV file by clicking on the designated download symbol.


From the user's name displayed among the list of users, you can access the user's details. In this section, you will find all the events performed by the users and their information details.

The following information is present in the details of the user's events:

  • Dates: how long ago has the event occurred with respect to today
  • Event: type of event performed by the user
  • Page: Page of the site where the user made the event
  • Campaign: name of the campaign referred to the reaction clicked by the user.

The following information is present in the user's detail:

  • ID: user identification
  • Name: the name of the user, if the user has entered his name in a ‘Thank you’ message
  • Email: the user's email, if the user has entered it in a ‘Thank you’ message
  • Last Seen: date of the last visit of the user
  • Country: the country of origin of the event (for example: if the user is Italian but at the time of the click he was in England, the country reported will be England)
  • City: city of origin of the event
  • OS: type of operating system used by the user at the time of click
  • Browser: the type of browser used by the user at the time of the event

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